After results from a survey carried out by Swinton showed alarming gaps in car insurance policyholders’ knowledge, we at Independent Insurance Services decided to give clarity on common misconceptions around this essential cover:
MYTH: If you have comprehensive car insurance, you’re covered to drive anyone else’s car.
STATS: 33% believed this to be true and 14% didn’t know.
FACT: Depending on your age and driving experience you might be covered to drive someone else’s car, but this is not a given on all comprehensive insurance policies as it’s dependent on these factors. Even if you are covered, it’s only third party, so any damage to the car you’re driving won’t be covered. If you’re going to be driving someone else’s car extensively, it’s best to be put down as a named driver. Some insurance providers will allow you to put someone else on the policy for one day or one journey at no extra cost. Continue reading